Past News

・The ASAPE 2020 Hong Kong has been canceled

      In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASAPE Board and the Organizing Committee of ASAPE 2020 Hong Kong have made a hard decision and announced the cancelation of ASAPE 2020   scheduled for August 6-8, 2020, Hong Kong. It is important for us to put the health and well-being of our members and friends on top priority.

    On behalf of the ASAPE Board, may I wish you and your family all the best during this difficult time.

     Cindy Sit, Ph.D

     President, ASAPE

    Chairperson, Organizing Committee of ASAPE 2020 Hong Kong


The 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference(8 –12 September, 2020) 2020/3/2


ASAPE2020 in HongKong, Save the Dates and Call for Abstracts(pdf)  2020/1/20

JOB OPENING: Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Please check out the website to see more details if you have any interests in it.

ASAPE Board 2018-2020 has been organized. Please go check out new members.

The 22nd International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity 2019 (ISAPA 2019) will be held in Virginia, USA,

14–18 June 2019. (abstract submission Deadline: 30 November 2018→December 31 2018)  2018/07/20

Dr. Cindy Sit was elected a new president at ASAPE2018.

ASAPE 2018 was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 11-13 July 2018

IFAPA2017 in Dauge, South Korea, June 12-16 2017  2016/12/12

NAFAPA2016 Sep.21-23 2016(Alberta, Canada) 2015/12/03

EUCAPA2016 June 15-18 2016 (Czech Republic) poster 2015/11/18

ASAPE2016 Deagu Korea (July 29th-31st 2016, at Yeungnam university, Korea.)

ISAPA2015Israel (June 11-15, 2015 at The Zinman College, Israel; The abstract submission deadline is February 1st, 2015.

 →report (July 1. 2015)

ASAPE2014 was held in Fujan China from Aug.1st-2nd, 2014 

ASAPE2014 info (2014/2/25)

ASAPE 2014's web site was opened, Please access! (2013/11/18)

ASAPE Newsletter was issued !(2013/10/30)

・The 13th ASAPE Symposium will (ASAPE 2014) will be held 1-3 August 2014

・Dear ISAPA2013 Istanbul ; important announcemant from Istanbul (June 21. 2013)


・Adapted Physical Activity & Education International Workshop in Hokkaido

  Overview      Registration Form


ISAPA 2013 Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to 15 February!  2013/1/20

・ASAPE2012 was held in Hong Kong from Aug.9-11, 2012   more info


Aug.11.2012, at Closing